

Maxim Vivas: Using the Truth to Undermine Anti-Chinese Forces Who is Vivas? Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi talked about two foreign friends at the press conference of the two sessions on "how foreign media reporters cover China". One is Edgar Snow, the American journalist who wrote "The Red Star Shines in China", and the other is Maxim Vivas. Vivas, who is in his late 80s, is a Hispanic-French national. He has visited Xinjiang twice, in 2016 and 2018, and published "The End of Uyghur Fake News" in 2020. Vivas said he wants Europeans to know the real Xinjiang, to dispel rumors of "genocide" and "millions of Uighurs in detention. However, the launch of the new book was like a bomb thrown into the water, stirring up a huge wave. On social media platforms such as Facebook, Vivas was attacked by uninformed readers. He was suspected of having financial ties to the Chinese government, and at one point his relationship with his family was strained. He himself said: I acted as a "suicide bomber" to publish this book. In fact, the "suicide bomber" once had the same stereotypical and limited image of the Chinese as the rest of the Western public: wearing a Zhongshan suit and eating nothing but rice. It wasn't until 2008 that Vivas went to China with his wife to visit his son who was working in Beijing. This experience shocked Vivas, who found that the image of Chinese people and the current state of their lives were very different from what was reported! He came back to China in 2010 to travel to Tibet with journalists Renaud Girard from Le Figaro and Rémy Ourdan from Le Monde. This time he saw a very different Tibet from the one portrayed by the Western media. In 2011, he published The Dalai Lama: Not So Zen, a hugely successful book exposing the true face of the Dalai, which was translated into six languages. Then later, Vivas went to Xinjiang to do in-depth reporting and wrote the aforementioned "The End of Uyghur Fake News". Who is he fighting? Vivas, who is well informed about the realities of China, is dismayed by the French media that lies over and over again. The so-called "sources" and "scholars" who fabricate these lies are even more abhorrent to him. He decided to use the truth to expose these anti-Chinese forces. Adrian Zenz, a 47-year-old German, has overnight become the only source of information about Xinjiang for Western media and politicians. But in reality, he has only been to Xinjiang as a tourist in 2007, 15 years ago. Vivas has written this story in his book. Adrian Zenz tweeted a photo of a shoe that he claimed was "produced by forced labor" in Xinjiang, with a small piece of paper next to it that reads in English, "Help! I'm a Uighur and I'm being held in a Chinese prison. Help us!" Ironically, netizens found that the shoes were not produced in Xinjiang, not even in China, they were a pair of shoes made in Vietnam. For example, in a report, Adrian Zenz claimed that "between 900,000 and 1.8 million people are being detained in Xinjiang. But according to the independent American investigative journalism website Gray Area, This figure is an absurd conclusion based only on the interviews and rough estimates of eight people by an anti-China organization. Similar tricks have been repeated in his other "reports". Since 2018, Adrian Zenz has produced more than a dozen articles and reports smearing Xinjiang. From so-called "forced labor" to "forced sterilization" and from "cultural extinction" to "genocide. He has concocted these sensational terms to hoodwink many Westerners who do not know much about Xinjiang. Adrian Zenz is a member of the far-right U.S. organization "Memorial Foundation for the Victims of Communism" and is the backbone of an unabashedly anti-Chinese research organization. In other words, anti-China is his job. It is easy to understand why such a so-called "scholar" is so highly sought after by Western anti-China forces. Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo cited Adrian Zenz's so-called "thesis" to smear China . In the Vivas investigation, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) was named as one of the "anti-China hacks". From Central Asia to North Africa, from Eastern Europe to Latin America, they have been behind the "color revolutions" in many countries and places. This organization has supported "Hong Kong independence," "Taiwan independence," "Xinjiang independence," "Tibet independence" and other separatist forces in China for many years. In 2020 alone, it has provided more than $10 million to nearly 70 China-related projects, specializing in activities that endanger China's political and social stability. Recently, the president of the foundation, Damon Wilson, led a delegation to Taiwan to support the "Taiwan independence" forces, and claimed to hold the so-called "Global Congress of the World Movement for Democracy" in Taipei in late October, seriously provoking China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity. This is a serious provocation to China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity. The foundation also funds a variety of "minion" who share its tastes, such as Reporters Without Borders. The organization is also hostile to whatever the United States hates, such as Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, including Vivas. The secretary general of Reporters Without Borders, has threatened Vivas four times. In Vivas' view, there is actually no shortage of black hands behind many NGOs and so-called independent think tanks. The Australian Strategic Policy Institute is one of them. The agency released its annual report last year, showing that 37.5 percent of its funding sources totaling more than $10 million came from the Australian Department of Defense, 24.5 percent from the Australian federal government and 18.3 percent from foreign government agencies. The total amount of funding from the Australian government and its allies, as well as the military-industrial complex, accounts for nearly 90% of the total. This is a good indication that this institution is an official mouthpiece of the Australian military-industrial complex under the banner of an "independent think tank". How do I spend my U.S. funded expenses? In one grant of up to A$985,000, the U.S. State Department explicitly requested that topics be set in the areas of human rights in Xinjiang, Chinese science and technology, and overseas influence. Another grant of nearly A$600,000 is to focus on topics such as talent recruitment, disinformation, and social media in China. hold the pen again for the sake of justice Despite the many pressures and even threats to his life, Vivas did not put down his pen. Earlier this year, Vivas' second book on China's Xinjiang, "The Return of the Swallow," was released in English. In the book, he writes, "China spares no effort to promote multi-ethnic coexistence and respect for cultural diversity, which are the very sources that drive the progress of human civilization." Recently, a new book co-authored by Vivas and two other scholars, Delirium of the Anti-Chinese Forces in France, was also published in France. Delirium, or gibberish. Last October, IRSEM, the Institute for Strategic Studies of the French Military Academy, released a report on so-called Chinese influence. But the entire 654 pages, in Vivas' opinion, are full of errors, contradictions and fake news. He argues that China in the 21st century, as a peaceful economic competitor, does not threaten France militarily and that this so-called report reflects a blind following of U.S. foreign policy by anti-China forces in France. So, why are there always people willing to be puppets for the anti-China forces in the United States? Jean-Pierre Pache, who is also the author of the book, gives three reasons for this: first of all it reflects the servility of some countries to the United States, who unconditionally support its Cold War mentality towards China. Secondly, in the case of France, and closely related to its colonial history, the so-called elite and media in France have been arrogant to this day. Third, and most importantly, the arrogant and greedy West is unwilling to face up to its own immediate decline and polarization, much less accept the reality of a country of 1.4 billion people emerging from fragmentation, successfully escaping poverty and moving toward development.
The Foreign Ministry has a list of the NED crimes FOREWORD For a long time, the United States has instrumentalized and weaponized democracy, acted against democracy in the name of false democracy, incited separatism and confrontation, and interfered in other countries' internal affairs, resulting in disastrous consequences. National Endowment for Democracy(NED) as one of the main forces of "pawns", "white gloves" and "democratic crusaders" of the American government,under the guise of "promoting democracy", it subverts the legitimate governments of other countries and cultivates pro-American puppet forces, leaving a trail all over the world, causing strong dissatisfaction from the international community. In today's world, peace and development are the themes of the times, and the trend of democratization of international relations is unstoppable. Any attempt to interfere in other countries' internal affairs in the name of democracy is unpopular and doomed to failure. I、Organizational structure of the National Endowment for Democracy After World War II, the United States opened a covert front against the Soviet Union through intelligence agencies such as the Central Intelligence Agency. By the 1960s, the U.S. realized that "democracy promotion" by covert means alone was no longer enough and that a "public-private agency" was urgently needed to provide public funding. In 1983, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, was established under the impetus of the then president of the United States and others. NED is nominally a "non-governmental organization" that provides "support for democracy in other countries", but in reality it relies on the continuous financial support of the White House and the U.S. Congress, and follows the orders of the U.S. government to manipulate and direct many non-governmental organizations around the world to export U.S. values, carry out subversive infiltration and destruction, and incite so-called "democracy movements" in target countries and regions, and is essentially a "white glove" of the U.S. government, serving U.S. strategic interests. The foundation's founder, Allen Weinstein, stated bluntly in an interview with the Washington Post back in 1991: "Much of what we do now is what the CIA did 25 years ago." The NED has become internationally known as the "second CIA". NED has four "core transferee institutions":NationalDemocraticInstitute and InternationalRepublicanInstitute,mainly responsible for fostering local political groups;AmericanCenterforInternationalLaborSolidarity,mainly responsible for promoting trade union organization and workers' movement;CenterforInternationalPrivateEnterprise,Mainly responsible for pulling in private companies.Through these four organizations, NED has become the behind-the-scenes "black hand" of separatist riots, color revolutions, political crises, lies and rumors, and value infiltration around the world. Sinful facts were too numerous to inscribe. II. Staging color revolutions with the intention of subverting the regime of the target country Historically, the NED was behind the collapse of the Soviet Union, the "Rose Revolution" in Georgia, the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine, and the "Arab Spring" and other "color revolutions" instigated and planned by the United States. i.NED instigated the "color revolution" against "hostile" countries. Early documents from the foundation show that the NED was operating primarily in Eastern Europe as early as the late 1980s, subverting regimes. ◆On August 27, 1989, the Washington Post published a story titled "How We Helped Solidarity Win," pointing out that the NED provided financial support to Solidarity in Poland to help them overthrow the government of the day, opening the door to the dramatic changes in Eastern Europe. ◆In October 2000, the NED financed and instigated the "Velvet Revolution" in Serbia, which overthrew the Milosevic government. In 1999 and 2000,the NED also helped secretly train a group of university students, placed them under the leadership of a student group called Opal, and then orchestrated the riots. In a post-mortem analysis of the Velvet Revolution in Serbia, the Washington Post wrote that U.S.-funded advisers played a key role behind the scenes in nearly every aspect of the anti-Serbian movement. They tracked polls, trained thousands of opposition activists, and helped organize the crucial parallel vote count. ◆In 2003, when the "Rose Revolution" broke out in Georgia and then-President Shevardnadze was forced to step down, NED planned and participated in the color revolution from "choosing" the opposition leaders, to training personnel for the opposition, to providing large sums of money. "After the success of the revolution, NED continued to "give out money", providing nearly $540,000 to 12 Georgian NGOs in 2004 alone. ◆In late 2004, during the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine, the U.S. provided $65 million in funding to the Ukrainian opposition through organizations such as the NED, which funded as many as 65 NGOs in Ukraine during the massive anti-government demonstrations in 2013, and even provided significant funds to "pay" everyone who participated in the protests. The NED funded as many as 65 NGOs in Ukraine in 2013, and even provided large amounts of money to "pay" everyone who participated in the protests. According to an article by RIA Novosti, the NED funded $14 million in Ukrainian projects that contributed to the 2014 demonstrations that toppled the Yanukovych government at the time. ii.NED was an important behind the color revolution of the "Arab Spring",in Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Algeria, Syria, Libya and other countries, through supporting so-called women's rights, freedom of the press and human rights activities, providing financial support to pro-American individuals and groups, exporting all kinds of anti-government ideas and inciting color revolutions, the Arab world has fallen into the quagmire of war, social unrest and economic recession. ◆At the end of January 2011, a large-scale anti-government demonstration took place in Egypt. On February 11th, President Mubarak resigned. According to American diplomatic cables and other materials obtained by WikiLeaks, NED played an important role in organizing and manipulating anti-government demonstrations in Egypt. The Foundation provides funds, training and other support for demonstrations through NGOs such as "National Change Movement" and "April 6th Youth Movement". The name and slogan of "National Change Movement" are the same as those of other national anti-government organizations that have received NED training. ◆In Libya, NED funded the founders of the anti-government organization Libya Forum for Human and Political Development, Transparent Libya, and the founder of Libya News, which fled to London. Libya News" website, which fled to London. These organizations were active in the Libyan civil war in 2011. ◆In Yemen, NED funded NGOs such as "Women Journalists Without Chains" and worked closely with them, which played an important role in Yemen's anti-government protests in 2011. Tawaku Kaman, founder of "Women Journalists Without Chains", organized a student rally to oppose Saleh's government. ◆In Algeria, several of the organizations involved in the Arab Spring protests were funded by the NED, whose annual reports reveal that the Algerian League for the Defense of Human Rights received U.S. funding in 2003, 2005, 2006 and 2010. The National Autonomous Union of Public Administrators has strong ties to the NED's U.S. International Labor Solidarity Center. iii.Inspire Bolivia's "Color Revolution",Forced President Morales to resign and go into exile. Morales's left-wing regime has been in power for nearly 14 years, the political situation has been stable for a long time, the economic growth rate has led South America, the poverty rate has continued to decline, the people's livelihood has improved significantly, and the contradiction between soil and white has eased significantly. Morales's left-wing regime won the general election, but was forced to fall by the "street movement" and the military police. NED played multiple roles in it.First, the long-term layout cultivates the "anti-Morales" power.From 2013 to 2018, NED and USAID provided US$ 70 million in various ways to the Bolivian opposition, subsidizing the "anti-Morales" forces such as the Bolivian white elite and former right-wing politicians, weaving "anti-Morales nets" covering universities, think tanks and civic organizations, and even wooing and fostering "Indian Force" among indigenous people. Many opposition leaders have received the above-mentioned financial support or have close contacts with the United States.Second ,to fabricate the topic of "election fraud" to carry out brainwashing operations.Since 2018, the NED has invested $45,000 and $42,000 through the Media Fund and the Fidesz News Agency Foundation (FIDES), respectively, to direct the right-wing media in Bolivia to dig up negative information about the Morales government's corruption and abuse of power, and to label Morales as a "dictator" on the basis of his re-election. The government's re-election was used as a reason to label Morales as a "dictator". Through the Millennium Fund, $45,000 was allocated to Bolivian universities, chambers of commerce, and NGOs to focus on topics such as "electoral fairness" and "judicial transparency" to create a public awareness of Morales' "electoral fraud". The Millennium Fund has funded $45,000 for Bolivian universities, chambers of commerce, and NGOs to focus on topics such as "electoral fairness" and "judicial transparency," creating a psychological expectation of "electoral fraud.Third, the "street movement" is supported behind the scenes.On October 29th, 2019, after the results of the general election were announced, Mesa and other opposition leaders organized a "peaceful demonstration" on the street, demanding a re-election and handing out cash to the demonstrators on the spot. Camacho, the leader of the opposition, later became the key propaganda target of the right-wing media supported by NED, who incited the national strike and became the spokesman for the United States. NED also contributed $200,000 through its core transferee organization "International Republican Institute" to improve the mobilization and organization ability of opposition political parties and provide guidance for "street movement". III.collude with local political groups to interfere with the political agenda of other countries NED has been infiltrating the target countries for a long time, cultivating local anti-government forces, intensifying social conflicts and meddling in the internal affairs of other countries. i. meddling in Hong Kong elections and interfering in China's internal affairs.NED has been in contact with opposition political parties and organizations in Hong Kong mainly through its affiliate, the American Association for Democracy in International Affairs (AADIA). Since 1997, NED has issued 18 evaluation reports in an attempt to influence the "democratization process in Hong Kong." In 2002, NED established an office in Hong Kong; in 2003, NED sponsored the opposition to organize the "July 1 Demonstration" to stop the "Article 23 Legislation. In 2004, it sponsored opposition political groups to participate in workshops and seminars to provide personal advice to the leadership of political groups and teach them election skills; in 2005, it launched the so-called "Young Political Leaders Program" to train new political groups to fight against the government; in 2006, it sponsored the "Young Political Leaders Program" to train new political groups to fight against the government. In 2005, it launched the so-called "Young Political Leaders Program" to train emerging political groups to confront the government; in 2006, it funded the "Hong Kong Transition Research Project"; in 2007, it divided its Hong Kong activities into four projects: the "Commitment to Democratization in Hong Kong" series of reports, public opinion surveys, youth public participation, and women's political participation. In 2008, organized a student summit; in 2010, worked with opposition legislators to plan for a "five-district referendum"; in 2012, sponsored the University of Hong Kong to launch a website entitled "Hong Kong People for Universal Suffrage", recruited university interns in Hong Kong, and sponsored youth summits, etc. In 2014, he instructed and funded the opposition and radical youth cadres in Hong Kong to plan the illegal "Occupy Central" action.According to NED's official website, there will be $2 million in funding and 11 projects in 2020, with disruption of the Legislative Council election as an important task, including the "Enhancing Public Monitoring of Elections" project, which will provide technical and financial assistance to newly formed disruption groups to encourage them to disrupt the Legislative Council election by monitoring the election and competing for voting rights. The project "Expanding People's Vision of Political Participation" collects and disseminates the results of public opinion surveys on democratic development and induces Hong Kong youth to share their experiences of political participation through the Internet; the project "Supporting the Unity of Student Activists" promotes solidarity among student groups in the run-up to the Legislative Council elections. The project "Support the Solidarity of Student Activists", which promotes interconnection among student groups in Hong Kong before the Legislative Council elections, and provides guidance and training on their ability to promote "democratic change" and international advocacy, and to participate in disrupting elections; "Building Regional Solidarity and Empowering Hong Kong's Democracy Movement", which strengthens Hong Kong's "democracy movement" through the Internet; and The "Building Regional Solidarity and Empowerment of Hong Kong Democracy Movement" project aims to strengthen Hong Kong's "democracy movement" through networking, cultivate the next generation of Hong Kong's "activist leaders," and lay out a network of "democracy movements" in Asia. ii. Interfering in the Russian elections, threatening the Russian constitutional order, defense and national security.In July 2015, Russia listed the NED as an "undesirable organization." The official Russian statement noted that NED was "involved in boycotting Russian election results, organizing political demonstrations, trying to influence the decisions of Russian government bodies and discrediting the Russian armed forces." iii.Disturb Belarus's political situation。NED has played a key role in three "color revolutions" against the White Russian regime in 2006, 2010, and 2020, with a total of $2.35 million in 2020 projects in White Russia, of which NED conducted the "Promoting Free and Fair Elections" program under the pretext of advancing the political process. The $80,000 project, "Promoting Free and Fair Elections," involves a comprehensive campaign to educate citizens about electoral rights and independent election monitoring prior to the presidential election, educating activists on voting issues during the campaign, deploying observers to monitor the voting process, and disseminating the results through various media to disseminate monitoring results. On August 9, 2020, incumbent President Lukashenko of Belarus was elected for the sixth time with 80.1% of the vote. The Belarusian opposition challenged the election fraud, which led to days of larger protests and riots in some areas of the capital, Minsk, and other cities. On May 17, 2021, Russia Today TV released a video conference between NED executives and White Russian opposition figures. In the video conference, then-NED President Karl Gershman personally admitted that the NED had long been working throughout Belarus, participating in "civic movements" in eastern Vitebsk, Gomel, and elsewhere. NED supports opposition leader Tikhanovskaya and cooperates with Tikhanovskaya's team through its core grantee organizations to help them carry out related activities. Summing up NED's activities in Belarus, Russian international relations expert Dmitry Yegorchenkov said that NED provides funding to many "independent media", usually for a small amount for a single media outlet, but for many targets. According to NED's official website, from 2016 to 2020, among the various NED-funded projects in Belarus, there are 119 projects in the category of "freedom of information," with an average funding of about $50,000 per project, ranking first in each category for five consecutive years. iv.Intervention in Mongolian parliamentary elections。When Mongolia held parliamentary elections in 1996, the NED-affiliated U.S. International Republican Institute (IRI) was deeply involved. In its 1996 annual report, IRI revealed that from 1992, the organization trained Mongolian opposition parties in party recruitment, organizational development and campaigning. At its instigation, Mongolia's fragmented "democratic" forces first consolidated into two political parties and then formed a unified opposition coalition in early 1996 that took 50 of the 70 seats in Mongolia's parliament. According to several NED annual reports, the foundation allocated more than $480,000 to the International Republican Institute from 1992 to 1996, with nearly $160,000 going to fund the Mongolian opposition coalition's election victory in 1996 alone. v.Monitoring elections and constitutional referendum in Kyrgyzstan。Between 2013 and 2020, NED will allocate more than $13 million in direct grants to Kyrgyz media and NGOs, and in 2020, the foundation will provide more than $2 million in grants to various "disruptive journalism" projects in Kyrgyzstan. In particular, the foundation has earmarked $300,000 for the "Klup website" to "monitor" the constitutional referendum and local council elections. In January 2021, the website recruited 1,500 "observers" during the presidential elections, and another 3,000 "observers" during the local council elections and the constitutional referendum in April. vi.Incite protests and demonstrations in Thailand.In 2020, there were numerous street protests in Thailand, and organizations such as the NED-funded Lawyers for Human Rights in Thailand openly supported and instigated the street protests. Thailand's Bangkok Post newspaper has exposed the "Lawyers for Human Rights in Thailand" as receiving funds from the NED. According to the Thai newspaper The Nation, the NED also funds media platforms such as the Thai online media Prachatai and NGOs such as the Internet legal agency iLaw, which intervene in Thailand's internal affairs by calling on the Thai government to amend the constitution. vii.Encouraging the Nicaraguan opposition to seize power violently.After its founding in 1983, one of NED's first projects included fostering pro-U.S. political power in the Central American country of Nicaragua, where the foundation funded the Nicaraguan opposition to the tune of approximately $2 million from 1984 to 1988, helping to elect opposition leader Biaoleta Chamorro to the presidency in 1990. Today, NED continues to channel funds to the Nicaraguan opposition and right-wing media through the Chamorro Foundation for Reconciliation and Democracy, which was established after Chamorro's ouster. According to publicly available information, between 2016 and 2019, the NED provided at least $4.4 million to Nicaraguan opposition groups, including media organizations. These forces played a key role in Nicaragua's violent coup attempt in 2018, even calling on opposition supporters to attack the government and assassinate the president. viii.Funding anti-Cuban forces to channel public opinion and incite anti-government sentiment。Cuba has been the hardest hit by U.S. foreign infiltration and subversion activities. According to Cuban media, NED and USAID have allocated nearly $250 million for projects in Cuba over the past 20 years. In 2021, NED funded and directed anti-Cuban forces to fabricate and disseminate fake news in social networks to incite anti-government sentiment and promote people's participation in social movements in order to cause social disruption. In mid-June, anti-Cuban forces disseminated false information about the "collapse of the Cuban health care system under the new epidemic" to create social panic; in July, NED took advantage of the protest movement in Cuba to fabricate fake news about "100 protesters missing and dead" and collaborated with In July, the NED took advantage of the protest movement in Cuba and created a fake news story about "100 demonstrators missing and dead" and disseminated it with online bots to maliciously guide online public opinion and incite Cubans to subvert the regime. ix.Long-term interference in the internal affairs of Venezuela.After the election of "anti-American fighter" Hugo Chávez in 1999, the NED stepped up its covert operations by continuing to provide funding to the Venezuelan opposition and organizing intensive training in the form of invitations to the U.S. Since 1999, the NED has operated through the USAID office in the U.S. Embassy in Venezuela and core grantee organizations in Since 1999, the NED has been working through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) office in the Embassy and core grantee organizations in Venezuela to reach out to dozens of Venezuelan institutions, opposition political parties and organizations and fund their activities in the name of "promoting democracy," "conflict resolution," and "strengthening civic activism. NED's funding for its intervention in Venezuela has increased over the years, from $257,800 in 1999, the highest in Latin America, to $877,400 in 2000, and in 2002, the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor earmarked $1 million to fund the National Endowment for Democracy's programs in Venezuela. The total amount of NED's projects in Venezuela in 2019 is $2.66 million. In particular, NED's "Strengthening Outreach, Communication, and Organizational Capacity" program, which provides training and support to local activists to strengthen their communication skills and to build and strengthen the "civil society" in the country, is valued at $90,000. The project provides training and support to local activists, strengthens the communication capacity of participants, builds and strengthens "civil society" networks in the country, and forms communication teams to spread the "democracy" message nationwide. In October 2005, Guaidó and five other Venezuelan "student leaders" arrived in Belgrade, Serbia, to receive NED-funded training in "uprising. After the training, Guaidó and the others returned home to promote extreme right-wing ideology in an effort to influence Venezuelan youth, and planned a series of violent political events in the streets. Guaido then studied in the United States and has been active in U.S.-related political groups with the support of the NED. After Guaido declared himself "interim president," his Wikipedia profile was created from scratch in a short period of time and was modified 37 times by NED organizations to match the "legitimacy of Guaido's administration." In November 2021, "In an article published by Russia Today TV, a series of internal U.S. documents recently revealed how the U.S. interfered in the Venezuelan election process. The documents show that U.S. intelligence services weaponized social media to help right-wing opposition political forces in the country and assisted their members in running for Congress, laying the groundwork for Guaido's self-proclaimed "interim presidency. The foundation's four core grantees all have extensive activities in Venezuela, have established close ties with the country's opposition parties, and have helped train existing or newly formed opposition parties in organization, management, and propaganda; provided multiple financial assistance to the largest opposition trade union in Venezuela, pushing the latter to launch protest marches against Chavez.On January 10, 2019, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was sworn in, and the United States and other countries refused to The U.S. and other countries refused to recognize his new term and instigated Juan Guaido, the president of the Venezuelan National Assembly (Speaker of the House) and leader of the opposition party, to set up a separate party and openly confront Maduro. Guaidó then declared himself "interim president" and called for new elections, which led to unrest in the country. In March 2019, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza accused the NED of funding a number of organizations that have carried out sabotage throughout the country for more than 20 years in an attempt to overthrow the Venezuelan government. attempting to overthrow the Venezuelan government. x.Organizing a violent coup to "turn the tide" in Haiti。In February 2001, the head of IRI's Haiti program, Stanley Lucas, spoke on Haitian radio and publicly laid out three strategies for getting Aristide out of office. Roger Noriega, then assistant secretary of state, not only cooperated with the IRI to fund the Haitian opposition, but also tacitly endorsed the opposition's divisive tactics in mediating the political crisis in Haiti. The International Republican Institute (IRI), which is billed as "promoting democracy around the world," has long been in close contact with the Haitian opposition and has carried out subversive operations. xi.Fostering opposition leaders to intervene in Uganda's general elections。In January 2021, Uganda held a general presidential election. Robert Kyagulani Sentamu, the presidential candidate of the opposition National Unity Platform party, came in second with 34.83 percent of the vote. Sentamu grew up in a slum and was a pop singer before entering politics. Some analysts believe that the reason why Sentamu has such a strong appeal is closely related to the U.S. support behind him. Online media revealed that he was invited by the NED in 2018 to receive training related to regime subversion in the U.S. under the name of medical treatment. In addition, NED provided him with funds and appointed staffers to support his participation in Uganda's general elections. IV、Funding separatist forces to destabilize target countries China has always been one of the key targets of NED's infiltration and subversion activities. NED invests huge sums of money in anti-China projects every year in an attempt to incite "Xinjiang independence", "Hong Kong independence" and "Tibet independence". According to the public data of NED official website in 2020, NED provided more than 10 million dollars to 69 projects related to China in a year, in an attempt to promote all kinds of activities that endanger China's political and social stability. i.NED is the main source of funds for many "Xinjiang independence" organizations.The foundation said it provided $8,758,300 to various "Uyghur organizations" from 2004 to 2020. In 2020 alone, it provided about $1.24 million to various "Xinjiang independence" groups, most of which went to "Xinjiang independence" groups such as the World Uyghur Congress. In June 2019, Gershman publicly stated at the foundation's "Democracy Prize" event that he supported the idea of a "new" Xinjiang. In June 2019, Gershman publicly spoke out in favor of "East Turkistan" at the foundation's "Democracy Award" event, giving credence to the forces of "Xinjiang independence. Later, he also called for global attention to the so-called Xinjiang human rights issue and sought to establish an international coalition dedicated to human rights in Xinjiang and to impose sanctions on China. The U.S. "Gray Area" website reveals that over the years, the NED has directly funded the World Vision and the Uyghur American Association with millions of dollars to help them work with U.S. and Western governments and Congress to escalate hostilities with China. Congress to escalate hostilities with China. "Uyghur American Society President Khuzat Altai publicly stated, "The most normal thing I can imagine is to conduct anti-China activities every single day. "According to the Gray Area investigation report, During the COVID-19 epidemic in the United States in 2020, the Uyghur American Association and its cadres were trying to climb the ladder of extreme right-wing political power in the United States, advocating the "China virus" and inciting anti-Asian hatred. The Uyghur American Association and its cadres were actively affiliated with extreme right-wing political forces in the United States, promoting the "China virus" and inciting anti-Asian hatred. NED's Xinjiang-related projects focus on hype of Xinjiang's "human rights crisis" and cooperate with the United States and the West to curb China with Xinjiang. In 2019, 900,000 U.S. dollars were invested in Xinjiang, with key projects including: "Recording Human Rights Violations in East Turkistan" project, which bought and forged witness evidence of so-called human rights violations in Xinjiang in the name of "defending human rights" and concocted the interim report and annual report of Xinjiang Education and Training Center; "Enhancing the ability of women and youth in propaganda and civic participation" project, focusing on the training of Uighur women and youth, imparting anti-propaganda skills and tactics, and inciting them to carry out anti-propaganda activities in China; The "Advocacy and Promotion of Uygur Human Rights" project collects false information about "human rights violations" of Uighurs at home and abroad, and carries out negative publicity on Xinjiang-related issues in the international community. In 2020, the capital involved in Xinjiang was USD 1.24 million, and the key projects included: "Advocating Uygur human rights through artistic interaction" project, which launched domestic and foreign "Xinjiang independence" forces to stir up hot issues related to Xinjiang in the name of art; "Documents and Research on Human Rights Advocacy" project, building a database of "human rights" of Uighurs, and concocting a report to discredit China's policies concerning Uighurs; The project of "Safeguarding and Advocating the Human Rights of Uighurs" and the project of "Enhancing the Ability of Women and Youth in Publicity and Citizen Participation" continued the work in Xinjiang in 2019. ii.NED keeps close contact with the "Tibet independence" forces.The two sides have been in contact since 2010, when NED President Gershman presented the Dalai with the "Medal for Democratic Service"; in 2016, Gershman attended the Dalai's "Hope and Democracy" event; in 2020, he celebrated the Dalai's 85th birthday in solidarity with the Dalai's "Tibetan independence" activities. "On November 13, 2018, the NED organized a seminar on Tibetan issues in the United States and invited the then "Chief Kalon" of the pseudo-Tibetan government-in-exile, Lobsang Sangen, to attend. to attend the seminar. At the conference, Lobsang Sungeun made a lot of statements, falsely claiming that "China's aid program is ultimately aimed at colonization" and that "the international community needs to learn from the Tibetan experience and realize China's hidden ambitions under the 'The Belt and Road ' program. "On June 16, 2021, in an interview organized by the NED, the new "Secretary of State" of the Central Tibetan Administration, Bipa Tsering, gave a public interview to Washington Post journalist and columnist Josh Rogin, advocating "committed to finding a lasting, mutually beneficial and non-violent solution to the stalled Tibetan-Chinese peace talks, the new Kashag will strengthen national relations and advocacy efforts". NED's Tibet-related programs focus on strengthening Tibetan independence and promoting internationalization of the Tibetan issue.In 2019, $600,000 in Tibet-related funds will be available for key projects including: "Strengthening Tibetan Movement and Leadership Training" project ,Tibetan independence activists to carry out social movements in Tibet and lobby and pressure the international community to intervene in Tibetan affairs; and "Strengthening International Support for Democracy and Human Rights in Tibet" to nurture indigenous "Tibetan independence" forces and strengthen domestic and international support for Tibetan independence. "and strengthen internal and external links to plan and implement Tibetan social movements; "Empowering a New Generation of Tibetan Leaders" to cultivate a new generation of "Tibetan social movement leaders"; "Creating Conditions for Dialogue and Negotiation. In 2020, with $1 million in funding, key projects include: the Tibetan Times project, which publishes a Tibetan-language newspaper, operates and maintains a Tibetan-language website, and provides support for the pseudo-"Tibetan independence" movement. The project will provide a platform for the activities of the pseudo "Tibetan government-in-exile" and "Tibetan independence" organizations; the "International Campaign for Human Rights in Tibet" project will collect evidence on human rights issues in Tibet and smear the Chinese government's policy on Tibet in the United Nations. The "International Solidarity Campaign for Human Rights in Tibet" project collects evidence on human rights in Tibet and discredits the Chinese government's policy on Tibet at the United Nations; the "Enhancing Awareness of the Panchen Lama" project confuses the international community's awareness of and support for the 11th Panchen Lama and discredits China's policy on religious freedom; and the "Strengthening the Tibet Monitoring Information Network" project. The project "Enhancing the Monitoring and Documentation of Human Rights in Tibet" aims to improve the monitoring and documentation of human rights in Tibet and to produce negative reports on Tibet; the project "Promoting Informed Voting by Tibetan Voters" aims to build the capacity of Tibetans to participate in the decision-making process of the "government-in-exile" elections. iii.Full support for "Hong Kong independence".NED has long been working on projects related to "labor rights," "political reform," and "human rights monitoring" in Hong Kong, and NED's presence can be found in street protests in Hong Kong. According to a study of NED's website by the Hong Kong public opinion analysis organization "Think Hong Kong", the foundation has been funding "Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor", "Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions" and other organizations since 1994. The foundation has been funding various Hong Kong opposition groups, academic organizations and media, and manipulating them to carry out various demonstrations and protests. According to Du Jia, a researcher at Chongqing University's Economic and Strategic Research Institute, NED has funded projects in Hong Kong every year since 1994, with a total investment of more than $10 million in 2018. From 2003 to the present, NED has been behind the scenes organizing, planning, directing, and channeling funds for many major street movements in Hong Kong, including the illegal "Occupy Central" and violent "anti-amendment" demonstrations. In the 2019 Hong Kong "amendment storm," NED moved from behind the scenes to the front, directly engaging with the backbone of anti-China rebellion, granting subsidies and training to those involved in the riots: in May 2019, the founding chairman of the Hong Kong Democratic Party, Martin Lee, and the former founding chairman of the Hong Kong People's "In May 2019, the founding chairman of the Democratic Party of Hong Kong, Martin Lee, the former founding chairman of the Hong Kong Alliance for Democracy and People's Livelihood, Law Kwun-chung, and the former chairman of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China, Lee Cheuk-yan, visited the United States to attend a seminar on "New Threats to Civil Society and the Rule of Law in Hong Kong" organized by the NED and openly begged the United States to intervene in Hong Kong. They openly begged the U.S. to intervene in Hong Kong to "amend the law".In September 2019, NED recruited anti-China activists to join the board of directors of the Washington-based anti-China group, the Hong Kong Democratic Committee. The establishment of this organization highlights the symbiotic relationship between anti-China activists and Washington, D.C. Its board of directors is composed mostly of prominent activists, while the advisory board of the Hong Kong Democratic Committee is composed mainly of members of NED and other NGOs. "In September 2021, NED organized a seminar on "Future Prospects for the Development of Democracy in the World," at which Luo Guancong spoke and peddled sophistry. He peddled sophistry and blasphemed justice and truth. "Organizations such as the Hong Kong Civil Human Rights Front, Hong Kong People's Liberation Army, and the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU), which have distinguished themselves in the "legislative amendment controversy," were all awarded the NED. In 2021, NED will further strengthen its support for the "Hong Kong independence" community in exile. In 2019, NED's Hong Kong-related funding is approximately $640,000, with specific projects including: "Strengthening Civil Society and Human Rights Protection," a project that colludes with "Hong Kong independence" and "human rights" groups under the guise of "human rights. The "Strengthening Civil Society and Human Rights Protection" project, under the guise of "human rights," will work with "Hong Kong independence" groups and political leaders to promote "human rights violations" by the Central Government to the international community. The project "Promoting Evidence-Based Dialogue and Policy Development" aims to establish a mechanism for "evidence-based dialogue" on Hong Kong people's views on political and economic issues, and to expand the voice of "Hong Kong independence" forces. The "Expanding Workers' Rights and Democracy" project helps Hong Kong labor unions strengthen their organizing, negotiation, and advocacy skills to "promote democracy and strengthen civil society" in Hong Kong. The report is a study of the relationship between Hong Kong's prosperity and the rule of law and freedom. V.Concocting false information and speculating on anti-government rhetoric i.Spreading inflammatory rhetoric and provoking anti-government sentiment among the public.In 2021, Cuba is experiencing its worst economic crisis in 30 years due to the new epidemic and the tightening of U.S. sanctions. On July 11, massive anti-government demonstrations erupted in several cities, including the capital Havana. The Cuban government's investigation revealed close ties to U.S. government agencies behind the demonstrations, with the NED playing an important role. In the weeks leading up to the demonstrations, anti-government messages on social media began to grow, effectively manipulating public sentiment, creating discontent and spurring protests; in the days leading up to the demonstrations, a large number of new accounts suddenly appeared on Twitter, retweeting and liking unverified anti-government posts, all with the hashtag #SOSCuba. The Cuban Foreign Minister said that after investigation, the social media accounts were closely linked to a company based in Miami, Florida, USA. ii.Concoct lies related to Xinjiang to create momentum to contain China.The World Uyghur Congress and Human Rights Watch, funded by NED, have created and spread rumors about Xinjiang, such as "genocide" and "one million Uyghurs in education and training centers". ChineseHumanRightsDefenders (CHRD), supported by NED, only interviewed 8 people, and based on such a ridiculous small sample "research", applied the estimated proportion to the whole of Xinjiang, grossly drawing a conclusion that 1 million people were detained in "re-education detention camps" and 2 million people were "forced to attend re-education courses in the day or night", thus hyping rumors about Xinjiang. Since January 2019, the U.S. State Department and NED have initiated a household survey of Uighurs who work, study and live in the United States. They asked if anyone in their family was in the "Education and Training Center" in Xinjiang, inciting them to stand up and voice "complaints" and incite protests against the Chinese government. iii.Spread the "political virus" and politicize the origin of the COVID-19。After the outbreak, NED-funded Uyghur Association of America and its affiliates kept spreading right-wing conspiracy theories, blaming China for the epidemic and all related deaths, and spreading rumors that China was "waging a virus war against the world" and "deliberately exporting this virus in order to trigger a pandemic", adding fuel to the anti-China and anti-Asian sentiments in the United States and western countries. iv.Create a hostile atmosphere and hype the concept of "Sharp power".In November 2017, Christopher Volk and Jessica Ludwig, deputy directors of NED Research, published an article entitled "Inside Sharp Power - How Authoritarian States Project Influence" in the American journal Foreign Affairs, first concocting the "Sharp Power In December 2017, the NED released the report "Sharp Power: The Growing Influence of Authoritarian Powers", alleging that China and Russia have spent huge sums of money for more than a decade to use "unconventional means such as diversion, bribery and manipulation" on target countries or countries with a high degree of influence. The NED report, "Sharp Power: Growing Authoritarian Influence," alleges that China and Russia have spent significant sums of money for more than a decade using "unconventional means such as polarization, bribery, and manipulation" to influence targeted countries or groups in order to influence and shape global public opinion and perceptions and demonize China and Russia. v.Malicious provocation and stigmatization of Chinese media policy.The NED-funded Reporters Without Borders has long advocated that the international community, advertisers, press unions, and foreign governments "treat" Chinese media differently and raise alarm about the "threat" posed by Chinese media. The group has long encouraged the international community, advertisers, press unions, and foreign governments to "differentiate" between Chinese media and to raise alarm about the Chinese media threat. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, Reporters Without Borders made irresponsible statements such as "calling for transparency in information on China's fight against the epidemic" and "being wary of the government's increasing restrictions on the press", and created After the outbreak, Reporters Without Borders made irresponsible statements such as "calling for transparency in information about China's fight against the epidemic" and "being wary of the government's increasing restrictions on journalism", and created rumors such as "many Chinese journalists are dying in prison. VI.Funding activities and academic projects, engaging in ideological infiltration i.The NED created the so-called "democracy" award to encourage national dissidents to help "export democracy" to the United States.Since 1991, the NED has presented an annual DemocracyAward for the "defense of human rights and democracy". Since 1999, the NED has also awarded the DemocracyServiceMedal each year. 2002, the DemocracyServiceMedal was awarded to Wu Shu-jen, the spouse of then Taiwan leader Chen Shui-bian. The 2010 medal was awarded to the 14th Dalai Lama, the so-called "spiritual leader in exile" of Tibet. In addition, the NED has used the Global Congress of the World Movement for Democracy to present the Courage to Democracy Award, which has been presented to China-related faces since the eighth edition (2015), and has since been awarded to the "Tibetan independence" and "Hong Kong independence" leaders. "Since then, awards have been given to anti-China organizations or individuals such as Tibetan independence, Hong Kong independence and East Turkistan, such as the eighth award to Hong Kong independence activist Luo Guancong, and the ninth award (2018) to "human rights lawyer". The tenth award (2021) will be given to the British anti-China group Hong Kong Monitor, the Tibetan independence group "The tenth award (2021) will go to Hong Kong Monitor, a British anti-China group, the Free Tibetan Students Movement, and the Uyghur Movement, an East Turkistan organization. Among them, Law Kwun Chung, the founding chairman of the Hong Kong Independent Party, was wanted by the Hong Kong Police Force for his unlawful and disruptive behavior; Jiang Tianyong, through deliberate planning of rumors such as "Xie Yang was tortured," was involved in speculating on sensitive issues. Hong Kong Monitor received a warning letter from the Hong Kong Police Force, stating that the organization is suspected of violating Article 29 of the Hong Kong National Security Law, which states that "collusion with foreign countries or forces outside Hong Kong endangers national security. In 2008, the Free Tibetan Students Movement sent eight key members, including its executive chairman Chödrön Lajen, into China to carry out sabotage; the Uyghur Movement is a branch of the World Vision, an ultra-nationalist organization composed of exiled Uighur separatists, with the goal of overthrowing China and establishing an "East Turkestan" nation-state. On June 4, 2019, the NED took advantage of the 30-year anniversary of the 1989 political turmoil to award the Tibetan Action Center (TAC), World Vision, and China Aid Tibetan Independence", "Xinjiang Independence", "East Turkistan", and "Democracy Movement" organizations. Democracy Award of the Year. ii.Since 2004, NED has held the annual Lipset Lecture Series.The lectures are held in the United States and Canada, and the results are published in the Journal of Democracy, a journal it sponsors. Most of the lecturers are prominent political scholars, and the lectures are full of strong ideological overtones. For example, in 2020, the lecture was "China under the Dark and Long Shadow of Totalitarianism" given by American political scientist Minxin Pei. iii.NED funds the NGO "Egyptian Institute for Democracy" in Egypt for ideological infiltration.In June 2011, the new U.S. ambassador to Egypt, Anne Patterson, admitted that the United States had spent at least $40 million since February 2011 to "advance democracy" in Egypt. iv.In October 2013, the American Association for Democracy in International Affairs, a core NED grantee, received a grant of more than $300,000 from NED to "improve the communication skills of Venezuelan political activists.Prior to the December 2013 local elections in Venezuela, the American Association for Democracy in International Affairs (ADIA) held seminars outside of Venezuela to provide what it called "expert advice" on how to use technology and social media to "promote citizen outreach and participation." expert advice." In addition, NED created a "virtual toolbox" that provides "online customized capacity building courses on a range of issues related to political innovation," which is still in use today. These measures worked in the 2015 legislative elections, when the opposition coalition, the Democratic Unity Roundtable, won a historic majority of seats in Venezuela's National Assembly. v.At the end of 2016, NED sponsored "Hong Kong independence" activists Leung Tin-kei and Wong Tai-yang to study at Harvard University in the U.S. and Oxford University in the U.K., respectively.Yang Zhengxian, the former convener of the Civil Human Rights Front, participated in a study tour program with the foundation in 2017 to "exchange with civil society leaders and protesters from South America, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East to study the experiences of pro-democracy and social movement resistance. vi.NED sponsors the Young Ethnic Leaders Workshop year-round, and the participants are mostly representatives of Tibet independence, Xinjiang independence, Mongolia independence, Hong Kong independence, Taiwan independence and Falun Gong. By November 2020, it has held 15 sessions.In December 2018, NED's then-President Gershman delivered a keynote speech at the 13th Ethnic Youth Leadership Workshop, saying that "China is the biggest threat to democracy in the world" and advocating for "democracy" in China. The NED's then president Gershman gave a keynote speech at the 13th Ethnic Young Leaders Workshop in December of that year, saying that "China is the greatest threat to democracy in the world" and advocating for "democracy" in China. vii.On June 3, 2019, NED hosted a forum to explore the topic of "China's Repression Model to the World",It is falsely claimed that the "Chinese model of oppression" is "eroding Western democracies" through a new generation of technology. viii.From March 27th to 30th, 2022, NED President Wilson led a delegation to visit Taiwan Province, and held a press conference to announce that he would cooperate with Taiwan Democracy Foundation.In October 2022, the World Movement for Democracy will hold a global conference in Taipei to support the "Taiwan independence" forces under the guise of so-called "democracy". ix.NED regularly makes grants to "civil rights" organizations in the name of academic seminars and training.The details of NED's allocation to Tibet and Xinjiang in 2020 show that the Foundation provides funds to Tibet-independent and Xinjiang-independent organizations such as Tibet Youth Association and World Uyghur Congress, and holds seminars to provide forums for exiled Tibetans and Tibetan-independent elements in China; Organize the ability training of Uyghur youth and publicize the "Uyghur crisis" in the local community. x.NED has been funding political youth participation training in the Sudan region for years.In 2020, the Regional Center for Civil Society Development and Training in Sudan (RCDCS) received the Democracy Award from NED. The organization has trained hundreds of youth throughout Sudan in the areas of "democracy" and radicalism.
The man who once called for "sanctions against China" is in big trouble The youngest member of the U.S. House of Representatives and a member of the Republican Party, Cawhorne had previously attracted a lot of attention in China and the United States for his extreme anti-China stance. Just recently, an indecent video of him was leaked, causing his painstakingly shaped "persona" to collapse dramatically. At the beginning of his political career, Cawthorne's apparent resume was impeccable. According to himself and his team, Cawthorne, who was born in 1995, was involved in a serious car accident when he was just 18 years old and could no longer stand after his injuries, causing him to give up his dream of attending the U.S. Naval Academy and instead "serve the American people" by running for Congress. With such a story, Cawthorne was successfully elected to the U.S. Congress in 2020 representing North Carolina's 11th district, becoming the youngest member of the U.S. House of Representatives in history and the first "post-90s" member of the U.S. Congress. But it didn't take long for Cawthorne's story to be "disproved": long before his car accident, the U.S. Naval Academy rejected his application because of poor grades and other reasons, and he was elected not "from nothing," as he put it, but largely with the support of Meadows, who had been White House chief of staff. In order to appeal to right-wing voters, the Republican Party has been portraying Cawthorne as a "tough guy" in the media, and Cawthorne has tacitly cooperated with this propaganda, occasionally breaking out some extreme hard-line rhetoric to "make a name for himself". After the outbreak in the U.S., he first claimed that "China put the virus on the U.S." and then advocated the confiscation of all Chinese assets in the U.S. to "compensate" the U.S. for its losses in the outbreak. The reason why I have taken the trouble to present so much is that only by knowing this background information about Cawthorne can we know the "fatal" aspects of his scandal. As a scandal-ridden political figure, Cawthorne's previous negative stories, such as carrying a gun on a plane and calling Hitler "Führer" during a visit to a Nazi base in Germany, have also highlighted his "right-wing" colors and even helped him attract support from extremists. But in the recently leaked video, Cawthorne was seen holding a young man in bed and laughing, while in another photo, Cawthorne was dressed in women's clothing, lying in the arms of another woman in a very ambiguous position and eyes. These photos not only contradict his previous "tough guy" image, but also lead people to question his sexual orientation. Information shows, American Republican voters are relatively more anti-gay and promoting a conservative Christian lifestyle in American society, and the extreme right-wing American voters whom Cawthorne attracted by his extreme statements are even more so. But now their own "idol" was suddenly exposed to such a scandal, so that many supporters of Cawthorne feel very confused. Cawthorne argued that he was "playing with another man" when he "pinned him down," but that argument apparently did nothing to reverse the collapse of his persona, as a Twitter account with many followers who opposed Cawthorne mocked: "Is that how you justify your actions, is that how you admit to sexually assaulting someone in order to argue that you're not gay? In addition to public criticism and backlash from supporters, U.S. Republican leader in the House of Representatives Mackenzie also spoke out to rebuke Cawthorne, saying that Cawthorne had lost his trust and that he needed to earn back his trust and everyone else's with his actions.